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30 Hours Free Childcare Available 2024

Windsor Nursey School now offers full day sessions, 5 days a week, to eligible 30 hours 3-4 year olds working families in England.

When do I apply for the 30 hours childcare?Apply as soon as possible.Your child can start in their childcare place the term after they turn 3 years old and have received a valid 30 hours code, whichever is later.The dates your child can start their additional hours are:

• 1 September

• 1 January

• 1 April

Where do I find out more and apply?

• Call Family Information Service 01582 548888Check which childcare offer is best for you by using the childcare calculator –

• Call 0300 123 4097 (or 0300 129 9232 for Minicom)

• Log into your childcare account

What happens next?

  1. After you have made your application, you may be asked for more information or you will receive an eligibility code

  2. Once you have the eligibility code, take the code, your national insurance number and your child’s date of birth, to your chosen childcare provider

  3. You can choose for your child to attend more than one childcare provider; however you cannot use more than two sites in one day and you must give the code to both providers and let them know that you are using more than one. This will help them better support your child

  4. You and your childcare provider will agree a start date for your child

  5. You will also be required to reconfirm your eligibility with HMRC every three months. If you do not do this, your child may lose their additional 15 hours of childcare. HMRC will send you a reconfirmation email or you can log into your childcare account to reconfirm your child’s eligibility


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